Find yourself looking behind your back, waking up in hot sweats after that last Drone attack? Do you still sleep with a security blanket? Well it's time to put childish things and childish ships in your past.Meet the Starburst III, a heavy Battleship with a light, light profile. Coming in just under Size Class 2, weighing in just over 3 Kiloton, the Starburst is a purpose-built Battleship capable of destroying much heavier class ships. Ever seen a T3 completely humiliate a Tovera Class Battleship? How about 2 Capital ships at once? Well now you have .Workshop Link: Cruise Setting ( Control panel ): turns off ALL ship devices including all standard engines, leaving only your Fridge, Constructors, Food proc. and 2 small engines to push you through space at Max speed running at just 1 KPU. Cruise for over 9 hours on a single tank!Blast Doors All-open & Close Setting ( Control Panel ): All Hangar doors Open or close on a single Button from your Control Panel marked "Blast Doors", closing the Blast doors automatically retracts your Foot ramps, too. Feeling a bit 'boxed in'? Open those windows and take in the Galaxy in a way never possible, makes getting in and out of the ship from every angel a cinch, too.Synched Hangar Ramps ( Control Panel ): unfurls your Hangar ramps for simple loading and offloading of HVs below the ship.Massive internal hangar space can accommodate 2 Over-full size HV's while 4 or more SVs can be docked on or under your top Blast shield ( or in the lower HV hangar ) whichever you prefer. This CV easily accommodates 8 or more HVs/ SVs. And with a flip of your Blast Door Shortcut, all doors open, allowing you to fly in from ANY side of the ship.I dock small CV's in here, no problem.Full capability CV: with 18 Plot farm, Full kitchen, Clone Chamber, First Aid chamber, and TWO advanced constructors for FAST Ammunition production & supply production. 1 Drill turret and 1 Multi turret mounted at the head make Mining and salvaging quick and easy.Plenty of grow space, and well protected in your central core.4 Separate armor layers shield the pilot and vital ship components from attack, first encased in full Transparent aluminum ( layer 1 ), beyond that is a void space to reduce explosive damage through the first layer of blast walls ( layer 2 ), Beyond the first Layer of Blast walls is a full 6-7 block void space to eliminate all explosive damage from touching the internal blast walls, The engines are kept at least 3 spaces off of the main hull, safe and away from explosive damage. Beyond the external blast walls ( main hull, layer 3 ) are an additional 5 directional Blast shields, at your sides, top, back, and front, your front Blast shield is where the forward Burst battery is mounted.Enjoy the views and unbridled ease of access.When her doors close, you don't want to be around for what comes next.Purpose built as a Long range Burst-fire attack CV: Your forward battery comprises the full 10 Plasma turrets, 10 Guided missile turrets, 8 Forward-facing Cannons, 2 Artillery batteries, and 4 Pilot-operated Missile Launchers. All coming into range of a forward facing target at nearly equal time, making a truly impressive burst-barrage.The forward battery is specifically designed to draw fire at the point of greatest strength, your Artillery turrets sit one row in front of all others to draw fire to the point where your Sathium turret Cupola is thickest ( a full 3 spaces in front of the turrets ). Massive Forward facing thrusters: Allow you to release a full frontal Missile/Plasma/Artillery barrage and then reverse out of range of incoming fire before it reaches you, she goes from full-forward throttle to full reverse in under 1 second, allowing you to easily wear down & destroy much larger ships. Though she is amazingly light and full-functioned ( Size class 2, Dual advanced constructors, Expansive hangar space, and Farm ), do not mistake this for a light attack or multi-role ship, This is a Heavy battleship with nearly the Maximum turret array for CV's ( minus 2 cannon turrets ), plus 4 Pilot-directed Rocket launchers. When piloted properly, this ship can destroy any other size class, most quite easily.Pilot-driven design makes navigation through the ship easy and fast, no more getting lost or wasting time running from one side of your ship to the other. An additional Cockpit on the hangar deck immediate to your boarding ramp makes getting off the surface and on your way as quick and easy as possible.Innovative design and attention to detail make this Ship an absolute bargain for what it's capable of. A ship with these capabilities would typically be size class 6, or larger, cost 3x the resources to build, waste fuel by virtue of their mammoth size, and don't provide this level of all around protection ( 4 Layer Hull ), nor do they often have Focused & properly spaced Forward turret arrangements. The Starburst gives true Value for your money.Don't spend any more wasted resources building someone else's underperforming and over-stylized vanity project, they aren't built to fight! The Starburst is PURPOSE-BUILT to fight. Fly away in the Starburst today, and forever leave the wreckage of lesser-CVs in your wake.She also comes in an Un-armed Variant, quite cheaply, If you'd like to add turrets at your own pace. via /r/empyriongame
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