Monday, November 2, 2020

Crypto rework to make him less slow

So as I see it, Crypto's biggest issue is how time consuming using Hack the drone is. While you are surveying the area or even just finding a good perch for him your team only has 2 players, which is why when pros use him he is just an emp farm.The Change: When you hit your tactical, instead of taking control of Hack, 1 ft in front of your face, Hack should start off as a throwable, like a grenade. When Hack is thrown he can still scan and when it hits a surface it hovers there and rotates 180⁰. At any point after Hack has been launched the player can press tactical again to gain control of the Hack as it is used now.Without adding anything fundamentally new to his kit, this change would just allow crypto to be more present with his team while still being useful in terms of intel gathering. Hack could quickly be deployed to observe an angle without Crypto needing to slav squat in the middle of the room for 5 seconds, meaning his team will arrive at the next fight 5 seconds sooner than him, putting them at a disadvantage.In a game where mobility, positioning, rotations and teamwork are so important having a legend who cannot benefit from his passive, tactical or ult without first becoming immobile, blind, vulnerable and separated from his team makes him a less attractive option. via /r/apexlegends

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